Josilac® classic

- Rapid decrease of pH level
- High protein protection
- More sugar and lactic acid for fast and effective safeguarding of silage quality - included in Josilac classic and Josilac grass
Elaine Araújo
Product description
Biological silage inoculant for the treatment of silage
Premium product for best silages
Product advantages:
- very high concentration of homofermentative lactic acid bacteria and highly effective enzymes
Your benefits:
- best silage quality even under difficult conditions through a rapid decrease in pH (Turbo Effect)
- high flexibility
- wide range of application (dry matter 25-40%)
- for various types of forage, e.g. grasses, legumes
Main range of application
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Josilac® combi
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Contact & Service
Would you like detailed information or a consultation? The more precisely you specify what interests you, the better we can assist you. Are you interested in purchasing Josilac® silage inoculants? We are glad to put you in touch with our dealer near you. Just send us a message with your request.